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Refund Policy

At Credlocity, we are committed to providing high-quality credit repair services to our customers. We understand that sometimes customers may need to request a refund, and therefore, we have established the following refund policy:

  1. Refund Eligibility: Our customers are eligible for a refund if we are unable to help them improve their credit scores after 180 days of service. Customers have 30 days after the 180 days of service to request a full refund.

  2. Correspondence Submission: In order to qualify for a refund, customers must ensure that all correspondence from the credit bureaus, collection agencies, and creditors are uploaded to their client portal. Credlocity must be able to respond to all correspondence from these entities in order for credit repair to work properly.

  3. Refund Request: To request a refund, customers must contact our customer support team via email at and provide all necessary documentation. Refund requests will be reviewed within 3 business days.

  4. Refund Amount: If the refund request is approved, the customer will receive a refund of all monies paid for the service, minus the postage cost used to mail dispute letters on behalf of the client. Any disagreements regarding refund amounts will be handled in accordance with Pennsylvania law. Upon signing up with Credlocity, the client agrees to allow all disagreements to be governed by Pennsylvania law.

  5. Refund Processing Time: Refunds can take between 30-60 days to be processed. We will make every effort to process refunds as quickly as possible.

  6. Refund Policy Exclusions: Customers forfeit their right to a full refund if they become past due for more than 5 days.

We value our customers and strive to provide the best services possible. If you have any questions or concerns about our refund policy, please contact our customer support team.

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